Contact Buffalo to discuss NDT Inspections for your company.
Head Office: 3867 Roper Road Edmonton, AB T6B 3S5
Toll Free: 1.800.634.8588
Phone: 780.486.7344
Fax: 780.486.4685
Buffalo Inspection Services has been serving the NDE and NDT inspection industry since 1979. Our success has been based on responding to our client's needs - delivering safe & reliable results with uncompromised quality & transparency. We understand the need to be partners with our clients and we honour this commitment, through business intelligence to support client expansion, maintenance and asset integrity efforts.
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3867 Roper Road
Edmonton, Alberta, T6B 3S5
24/7 Dispatch 780.446.8536
Toll-free: 1.800.634.8588
Phone: 780.486.7344
Fax: 780.486.4685
Unit #22, 10322 – 74th Avenue,
Clairmont, AB
T8X 5A7
Cell: 250.793.8137
Camrose, Alberta
Toll-free: 1.800.634.8588
24/7 Dispatch 780.446.8536
8712 – 107 Street, Bay #3
Fort St. John, BC
Office: 250.793.8137
Cell: 250.808.9375
Cell: 780.446.8536
Cell 1: 306.491.7446
Cell 2: 306.229.3303
24/7 Dispatch: 780.706.5881
5424 Cottonwood Road
P.O. Box 1994
Cell: 250.321.2900
Contact Buffalo to discuss NDT Inspections for your company.
Head Office: 3867 Roper Road Edmonton, AB T6B 3S5
Toll Free: 1.800.634.8588
Phone: 780.486.7344
Fax: 780.486.4685
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