How much does it cost to get NDT certified in Canada?

How much it costs to get NDT certified in Canada depends on several factors, including:

  • • NDT method
  • • NDT level
  • • Sector in which you are completing your certification
Candidates must pay application, registration and examination fees when completing an NDT certification. As well, a separate certification for each NDT method, level and sector is required. For example, in Canada, to receive a Level 1 RT (Radiographic Testing) certification in the Engineering, Materials and Components (EMC) sector, it will cost:

  • • $420.00 for registration with the NRCan NDT Certification Body
  • • $230 for written registration
  • • $190 for practical registration
  • • $165 for written examinations (i.e. papers)
  • • $250 for your final half-day exam
Each NDT level will have additional requirements. This means that it will cost more to become an NDT technician at higher levels.