Contact Buffalo to discuss NDT Inspections for your company.
Head Office: 3867 Roper Road Edmonton, AB T6B 3S5
Toll Free: 1.800.634.8588
Phone: 780.486.7344
Fax: 780.486.4685
Buffalo Inspection Services has been serving the NDE and NDT inspection industry since 1979. Our success has been based on responding to our client's needs - delivering safe & reliable results with uncompromised quality & transparency. We understand the need to be partners with our clients and we honour this commitment, through business intelligence to support client expansion, maintenance and asset integrity efforts.
Find a Buffalo Inspection crew near you.
Click to view full crew map & contact information.
3867 Roper Road
Edmonton, Alberta, T6B 3S5
24/7 Dispatch 780.446.8536
Toll-free: 1.800.634.8588
Phone: 780.486.7344
Fax: 780.486.4685
Unit #22, 10322 – 74th Avenue,
Clairmont, AB
T8X 5A7
Cell: 250.793.8137
Camrose, Alberta
Toll-free: 1.800.634.8588
24/7 Dispatch 780.446.8536
8712 – 107 Street, Bay #3
Fort St. John, BC
Office: 250.793.8137
Cell: 250.808.9375
Cell: 780.446.8536
Cell 1: 306.491.7446
Cell 2: 306.229.3303
24/7 Dispatch: 780.706.5881
5424 Cottonwood Road
P.O. Box 1994
Cell: 250.321.2900
Contact Buffalo to discuss NDT Inspections for your company.
Head Office: 3867 Roper Road Edmonton, AB T6B 3S5
Toll Free: 1.800.634.8588
Phone: 780.486.7344
Fax: 780.486.4685
Buffalo Inspection Services Announces Partnership With Enoch Construction LTD.
in News, AnnouncementsBuffalo Inspection Services (BIS) and Enoch Construction LTD. (ECL) are very pleased to announce their recent partnership and long-term business relationship. Enoch Cree Nation is 20 square miles located just West of, and adjacent to, the City of Edmonton, on Highway 60. Enoch Cree Nation entered into Treaty on September 25, 1877 and is a […]
NDT Inspection Technology: What’s New and Leading-Edge in 2020
in Pipeline Inspection, News, TechnologyNDT inspection technology is continuously evolving, with improvements in training, techniques, and tools. Here’s what’s new in 2020 and how it can help you ensure the integrity and value of your assets.
What is Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing
in Technology, News, Pipeline InspectionWith PAUT, the technician actually gets images of the scanned areas in A, B, C, and D forms, which then can be generated into 3D images using the appropriate software. What if ultrasonic results were presented in picture form instead of a written report? What if 3D images of welds were available for a welder […]
How to Become a Non-Destructive Testing Specialist in Edmonton
in Technology, NewsIf you like challenging situations that require attention to detail and problem-solving, you’re a prime candidate for a non-destructive testing specialist. Following is how to become a non-distributive testing specialist position in Edmonton. General requirements Most positions need as a minimum a high school diploma or GED equivalent, a college education in Material […]
Announcing: TFM/PAUT Inspection for On-Stream Monitoring
in News, Announcements, Pipeline Inspection, TechnologyIndustry experience has shown that most companies are only able to inspect approximately 3-5% of their equipment a year. When the cost of inspection weighted against the cost of down time is incidental, cost effective approaches to inspection can be undertaken. Expensive emergency outages, the costly impact of spills on a company’s environmental reputation, or […]
NDT Certification Differences
in News, Newsletter, TechnologyInstitutional certifications and recommended practice certifications. What’s the difference? Supplying clients with certificated technicians is essential in our industry; unfortunately, not all contractors provide the expected quality of technician. The result is that the client wants evidence that the technicians are properly qualified. In many cases the technician holds the responsibility of passing a judgement […]